MD Anderson
From Elaine's CaringBridge Site
Journal entry by Laura Roberts — 6/14/2015
We finally made it to MD Anderson and met with a pediatric oncologist. She gave me peace of mind that we were getting excellent care at Children's. She basically said that all the tests she would have run to stage the cancer are the tests that Elaine has already had run. She said that the treatment protocol that our pediatric oncologist put Elaine on is the same protocol that she currently has a patient on and it would be the protocol that she would use for Elaine if we stayed at MDA to have Elaine's treatment. She even said that it sounded like we were in very competent hands at Children's. So, we flew back home and will continue our treatment in Birmingham where we can be close to our family and friends and the wonderful network of support God has provided for us.
I still plan to keep a copy of Elaine's records going to MDA in the event that we may need them down the road. I have heard it from multiple doctors and the doctor at MDA reiterated that the type of cancer that Elaine has responds well to chemo. The trick will be making sure it doesn't come back. This is big but God is bigger!!!
Traveling out there I was so relieved that we were finally on our way there and I had to laugh at the way that God had worked it out. What I had been planning and working on for weeks God ended and had reworked in a matter of hours. He didn't have to but He gave me the peace of mind I needed even though He had been giving me clarity time after time. I still needed to hear it from MDA and in His mercy He allowed me to get the peace of mind I wanted and needed.
We returned home Saturday afternoon. Saturday night Elaine started running a fever. In the world of cancer running a fever is a very big deal. The rule is if the temperature is 100.4 you call and if the temperature reaches 101 you go in...period.
Thermomters are not my friend. I get a different reading every time I take Elaine's temperature. We took Elaine's temperature Saturday night about 8:00 and it was all over the place from 99.1 to 100.9. We talked to the after-hours nurse on call twice and at midnight her temperature reached 101.5 so we went to the ER at Children's Hospital with Elaine kicking and screaming that she didn't want to go. They gave her fluids which she really needed. Got any idea how difficult it is to make a 15 year old drink when they don't want to drink? After two bags of fluids her heart rate was still elevated and this was of concern since it could be a sign of an infection so they admitted her and we are currently here at Children's getting this under control. When we got to the ER they took her temperature and it was 98.7 which is about par for the course but that didn't stop them; they were still concerned that it had reached 101. They gave (and continue as I type this) to give her antibiotics to make sure we get this fever under control.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6. I'm meditating on this verse this week because I am still leaning on my own understanding too often.
On to week 3...